
Предоставление каникул и отчисление в связи с окончанием обучения

18 May 2024

According to the Federal law on education (article 59, paragraph 17) students allowed to request a vacation period to follow their graduation.

To do this, you need to submit an electronic application via my.itmoRequests and queues / Requests / Holidays due to successful graduations or My ISU: Personal page / Student Services Office / E-Requests / Holidays due to successful graduation.

Please provide scanned copies or photos of the following documents: passport (the main page, a page with the last entry / exit stamps, a visa – if available), migration card (if available, both sides), registration (both sides) to the Migration Service Office of ITMO University.

Applications should be submitted by June 25, 2024. 

NB! Students who do not sign the application will have their student status discontinued without a vacation period.

Once your request has been approved, you will remain registered as a student until August 31st of the current academic year, which entails the following benefits:

  • You will continue to receive stipend payments (if you have been receiving them in the spring semester); 
  • discount rates for public transport; 
  • other benefits provided to students upon provision of their student ID.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact the Student Services Office: