
Practical training

Practical Training Module: User Manual (my.itmo)

In this section, you will learn all you need to know about your practical training: finding the place, compiling all the documents, and getting your grade. 

Schedule and types of practical training

Finding the place for practical training and completing the task

Practical training documents

Submitting your practical training report in ISU 


What you need to know about Practical training

Practical training is a compulsory academic discipline, just like any other course. All practical training at ITMO is organized by the Career Center and curators of practical training at each faculty.

Practical training is not just about applying theoretical knowledge to real-life cases  and projects – it is the basis of your future career.

Completing your practical training at a cool company can be a boost to your CV, while the projects you complete will strengthen your portfolio, and the network you acquire might bring you to the job of your dreams. Don’t underestimate your practical training, use it to jumpstart your career! And we will do our best to help you.

Your practical training checklist

  1. Subscribe to the Telegram channel to get all the updates about practical training.
  2. Enter this Group in VK to get answers to all your practical training questions.
  3. Find a company for your practical training and get the approval of the curator of practical training.
  4. Get your individual practical training assignment from your head of practical training.
  5. Complete the practical training on time and successfully fulfill the assignment.
  6. Make your report and upload it on ISU.
  7. Get your pass!

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