
Submitting your practical training report in ISU

How to submit your practical training report in ISU

During your practical training, you complete your individual task, and at the end you have to make a report on it. It needs to be uploaded in the Практика (Practical training) tab in ISU.

Completing the individual task

You can ask any questions on practical training during a consultation with the heads of your practical training at ITMO and at the host organization.  You complete the individual task independently and on time. You will then have to describe the results you’ve achieved in a report in the form approved by your head of practical training. 

You will find information about the place of your practical training, the deadlines, heads of your practical training at ITMO and the organization (if any) in the Практика (Practical training) tab in ISU.

After you complete your practical training, you need to make a report on it. Look up the requirements for the report in the working program of your practical training or ask your head of practical training. You have to upload the report  in the Практика (Practical training) tab in ISU.

Practical Training Module: User Manual

Practical Training Module: User Manual (my.itmo)