
Repeat interim exams

All academic backlog acquired in the spring semester of the 2023/2024 academic year has to be eliminated during repeat interim exams.  

Repeat interim exams will be held between February 5, 2024 and April 6, 2024.

There are two periods of repeat interim exams: 

Period 1. first and second attempts 

February 5 to March 16 – elimination of backlog for ongoing assessment, exams/tests with lecturers or an academic board according to the schedule of consultations and examinations. If the result of the first attempt of repeat interim exams is unsatisfactory or it wasn’t taken without a valid reason, students have to eliminate their backlog during the second attempt of repeat interim exams to an academic board.

Period 2: second attempt 

March 18 to April 4 –  elimination of academic backlog with an academic board in accordance with the schedule. Based on the results of the second attempt, students either pass successfully or are included in the order of expulsion. 

Repeat interim exams for online courses

Period 1. First attempt  

March 9, 2024 is the last day you can complete the tasks in online courses before the results (points) are downloaded.

From March 15 to 16, 2024 all grades for online courses will be shown in your digital gradebook.

Important! Between February 5 and March 16, 2024 the department responsible for the course can set the date of the repeat exam with an academic board. If at the beginning of repeat interim exams you have used the first attempt to eliminate academic backlog and got “unsatisfactory” or didn’t get graded by a lecturer without a valid reason, you will be able to take the exam with an academic board before the second period. 

Period 2: second attempt 

From  March 18 to April 1, 2024 academic boards will grade assignments for online courses. This will be your final attempt to pass a course.

From April 5 to 6, 2024 all grade sheets for online courses are approved based on the points you received. 

Extended interim exams for a valid reason

If you couldn’t make it for the first or second attempt of your repeat interim exams for a valid reason, you have to submit a digital application in ISU to extend your repeat interim exams: go to Личный кабинет (My ISU) – Административные сервисы (Administrative services) – Студенческий офис (Student Services Office) – Электронные заявления (Digital applications). You can also do it on the platform in the Заявки (Applications) tab. For both of these options, you will need to: 

  1. fill in the application for extension of (repeat) interim exams;
  2. scan (or take a high-definition photo) the documents, confirming that you were absent for a valid reason;
  3. attach the scanned copy (photo) to your application;
  4. submit the application. 

With a complete and correctly filled in set of documents, the Student Services Office will accept your application.

The schedule of the committee

  1. The schedule of the committee of the Institute of Advanced Data Transfer Systems (in Russian);
  2. The schedule of the committee of the Infochemistry Research Center (in Russian);
  3. The schedule of the committee of the Higher School of Engineering and Technology (in Russian);
  4. The schedule of the committee of the Center for Educational Neuroscience (in Russian);
  5. The schedule of the committee of the Center of Applied Optics (in Russian);
  6. The schedule of the committee of the Faculty of Ecotechnologies (in Russian);
  7. The schedule of the committee of the Institute of Laser Technologies (in Russian);
  8. The schedule of the committee of the Institute of Design & Urban Studies (in Russian);
  9. The schedule of the committee of the Faculty of Secure Information Technologies (in Russian);
  10. The schedule of the committee of the Faculty of Physics (in Russian);
  11. The schedule of the committee of the Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations (in Russian);
  12. The schedule of the committee of the Faculty of Digital Transformation (in Russian);
  13. The schedule of the committee of the Faculty of Information Technologies and Programming Faculty (in Russian);
  14. The schedule of the committee of the Center for Chemical Engineering (in Russian);
  15. The schedule of the committee of the Mathemetics Research Center (in Russian);
  16. The schedule of the committee of the Faculty of Software Engineering and Computer Systems (in Russian);
  17. The schedule of the committee of the Faculty of Control Systems and Robotics (in Russian);
  18. The schedule of the committee of the International Research and Educational Center for Physics of Nanostructures (in Russian);
  19. The schedule of the committee of the "Entrepreneurial Culture" module (in Russian);
  20. The schedule of the committee of the "Soft Skills" module (in Russian).

The schedule of the committee for graduate students

  1. Расписание комиссий международного научно-образовательного центра физики наноструктур
  2. Расписание комиссий факультета инфокоммуникационных технологий
  3. Расписание комиссий факультета технологического менеджмента и инноваций;
  4. Дополнение к расписанию комиссий факультета технологического менеджмента и инноваций;
  5. Расписание комиссий факультета систем управления и робототехники;
  6. Расписание комиссий школы разработки видеоигр;
  7. Расписание комиссий факультета информационных технологий и программирования
  8. Расписание комиссий института лазерных технологий;
  9. Расписание комиссий научно-образовательного центра фотоники и оптоинформатики;
  10. Расписание комиссий образовательного центра «Энергоэффективные инженерные системы»
  11. Расписание комиссий факультета биотехнологий
  12. Расписание комиссий факультета цифровых трансформаций
  13. Расписание комиссий института перспективных систем передачи данных
  14. Расписание комиссий института дизайна и урбанстики
  15. Расписание комиссий института прикладных компьютерных наук
  16. Расписание комиссий научно-образовательного центра инфохимии
  17. Расписание комиссий института «Высшая инженерно-техническая школа»
  18. Расписание комиссий дисциплин модуля «Предпринимательская культура».