

4 June 2024

Dear graduates!

On July 6, 2024, the 2024 Graduation Ceremony will take place on Yelagin Island!

In order to receive your diploma on your graduation day, you'll need to:

  1. Fill out your exit checklist via / Сервисы / Обходной лист or in the Actual tab on the my.itmo app.
  2. Wait for an email asking you to verify* your diploma.
  3. Sign up for diploma verification via ISU / Личный кабинет / Административные сервисы / Электронная очередь.
  4. Verify your diploma and diploma supplement and pick up your certificate(s) of previous education at the Student Services Office. Every student will be given a personal choice of dates they can sign up for diploma verification on within the period of June 20-28.
  5. Come to the 2024 Graduation Ceremony on July 6 and receive your diploma.

*Graduates must check the accuracy of all information included in their diploma and diploma supplement and sign an approval form.

The diploma verification and issuing of certificate(s) of previous education will take place at Lomonosova St. 9, 4th floor, room 1400 on June 20-28 from 10 AM till 6 PM by prior appointment. Every student will be issued available dates for appointment in the queue management system.

If you plan to come to the verification yourself, please bring:

— your passport / personal ID;

— your personal insurance policy number (SNILS; if applicable);

— your student ID card.

If someone else will be coming to the verification for you, they shall bring:

— their passport;

— the original of an attested power of attorney;

— a copy or a photo of your personal insurance policy number (SNILS; if applicable);

— your student ID card.

Your representative should also email at to request a pass, stating their full name, passport details (serial and unique number), and phone number.

NB! You can only pick one day and time slot. If you don’t come on the appointed time, you will not be able to come at another time or date during the diploma verification period. Only students who have checked their diplomas during the verification period will be able to receive their diplomas at the Graduation Ceremony.

Students who have not applied to receive their diploma at the Graduation Ceremony within the specified deadline will be able to receive their diplomas starting from July 8 at the Student Services Office at Lomonosova St. 9, 4th floor, office 1400 from 9 AM to 7 PM. You should have your passport, SNILS (if you have one), and your student ID card.

If you wish to receive your diploma before graduation day, you can only do that during the diploma verification period.

You can apply by June 25 to extend your expulsion from the university to August 31, 2024 via the website or via the my.itmo app in the E-Applications tab.

If you wish to stay at the dormitory until your extended expulsion, then you have to file this application before June 15.

See you at the 2024 Graduation Ceremony on July 6!

For questions about the State Final Examination and diplomas, please contact the Office for Support of Educational Programs:;


For questions about the verification of your diploma, the exit checklist, and obtaining your certificates of previous education, please contact the Student Services Office:;
