
School on Acoustics: from Fundamentals to Frontiers

8 - 13 April

Place and time

Where: Qingdao Innovation and Development Center of Harbin Engineering University

When: April 8-13, 2024


ITMO’s Faculty of Physics invites you to take part in an international scientific school, which will be held at the Qingdao Innovation and Development Center of Harbin Engineering University. 

The program will include:

  • Lectures;

  • Practical classes with numerical and experimental tracks;

  • Practical seminars;

  • Poster sessions;

  • Cultural activities. 

The school will cover a range of fundamental and applied topics, including:

  • Acoustic metamaterials and metasurfaces;

  • Acoustic resonators;

  • Underwater acoustics and metamaterials; 

  • Acoustic waves in solids;

  • Sound absorption and noise insulation; 

  • Topological acoustics;

  • Numerical methods in acoustics.

The number of participants is limited.

The registration deadline is January 28, 2024.


Everyone is welcome to apply


ITMO’s Faculty of Physics