A student club is a community of ITMO.FAMILY members in which everyone enjoys something they love among like-minded peers.
Each club’s activities can be placed in one or several of the following fields:
Regulations on student clubs at ITMO University (in Russian).
Outline your club’s aims and goals
Form your team
When applying to create a club, your team should include no less than 3 individuals, all of them members of ITMO.FAMILY (applicants, students, staff members, alumni, or ITMO partners). Only an ITMO University student can be appointed the head of a club.
Apply to create a club and pass the approval process
After sending the application, the texts will be checked by the editor and the moderator will enter the club card into the ISU system. The verification process may be accompanied by clarifying questions: you will be contacted if necessary. Applicants are required to provide answers to clarifying questions.
Club is approved
After your application is approved by the moderator and editor, the club will appear in the ISU system and then on the ITMO.STUDENTS website.
In the section Activities of clubs you will find all the necessary information on the conduct of club activities. Pay special attention to the instructions for clubs: they describe the process of using the Events application in ISU, the procedure for requests for media, for adding members to the club, booking rooms, and others.