
ITMO Advising

ITMO Advising, implemented as part of the Priority 2030 Development Strategy, is a service of academic consultations provided to ITMO University students of Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Specialist’s programs.

The project is aimed at organizing methodological and consultative assistance for students, taking into account their educational and professional goals, as well as personal characteristics. ITMO.Advising also contributes to the systematization of contact with students.

Advisors (academic consultants) are employees who have undergone special training and provide consultative assistance to students on organizational and substantive issues related to their education and professional careers. They serve as a link between students, heads of educational programs, and the administrative departments of the university.

Advisors are selected from among senior Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students, on a competitive basis. Once they complete a professional development course, they are employed at the university.