
Funding competition for extracurricular activities

This competition is meant to support students participating in federal creative and educational student events, as well as to promote ITMO University outside St. Petersburg. By winning this competition, students receive funding to cover their travel and/or accommodation costs.

The competition is open to tuition-free and tuition-paying students.

How to participate

Participation conditions

The competition is open to undergraduate, master’s, and/or postgraduate tuition-free and tuition-paying students, who are not on academic leave.

Events you can apply for:

  • Events organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Minobrnauki of Russia);
  • Events organized by the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh);
  • Events organized by the "Association of Student Sports Clubs of Russia" and the "Russian Student Sports Union";
  • Events organized by "Russia – Land of Opportunities";
  • Events organized by Association of Student Patriotic Clubs "I Am Proud";
  • Events organized by the Association of Volunteer Centers of Russia;
  • Tournaments, competitions, championships, and other events of various levels, as well as other federal-level events not related to the categories "scientific," "scientific-educational," "internships," or "Olympiads" within the student's educational program.

Your trip should fit within one day before and one day after the event.

You can apply for and receive funding no more than two times per a calendar year.

Additional documents might be required to consider your application. You need to provide these within five business days after you receive a corresponding request to the email address you indicated in your application.

There are several factors that influence the decision on your application:

  1. For members of student clubs:
    • fully completed club description on ISU;
    • the student club's activity at the time of application submission;
    • promotion ITMO’s brand outside the university through student club;
    • successfully completed events supported at ITMO University.
  2. For students who aren’t members of a student club:
    • you are presenting yourself as an ITMO ambassador at an event held outside the university;
    • the opportunity to receive a significant result for yourself or for the university (victory, winning a prize, gaining new knowledge, experience, and skills for organizing extracurricular activities and the club system at ITMO, etc.).
  3. A student’s participation in an external event should contribute to the following objectives: 
    • promoting ITMO University on external platforms;
    • developing the student community at ITMO University;
    • developing skills useful for ITMO University’s activities.

How to submit an application

You need to submit your application on (Заявки/Applications - Внеучебная деятельность/Extracurricular activities - Заявка на конкурс на финансирование поездок обучающихся в рамках внеучебной деятельности/Application for funding competition for extracurricular activities) no later than 7 business days before the planned trip.

In your application, you should indicate:

  • name of the event;
  • its organizer;
  • aim of your trip;
  • start date of your trip;
  • end date of your trip;
  • price of tickets for a round trip;
  • price of accommodation;
  • participation fee;
  • any co-funding sources.

In addition, you should attach an invitation (see example) addressed to the Rector of ITMO University written by the event’s organizers with the official letterhead and the following details:

  • full name of the student/ITMO sports team or student club;
  • the event’s date;
  • aim of participation;
  • participation conditions.

Within 2 business days (excluding the day of application), you will receive an approval or rejection of your application with the indication of reasons for rejection.

Applications containing the following have priority:

  • the applicant's previous successful experience participating in projects held in the Russian Federation;
  • the availability of co-funding from an external organization for participating in the project, including the ability to cover accommodation and/or organizational fees independently;
  • participation in a project where the event organizer covers the costs for hosting participants, except for travel to and from the event location.

The documents you will need if your application is approved

You will need to apply for the necessary documents on (Заявки/Applications - Внеучебная деятельность/Extracurricular activities - Оформление документов на поездку/Documents for a trip) within three business days after your application for funding is approved.

NB! At the time of your application, you need to have purchased the tickets for the round trip and booked the accommodation (if included in your application).

Once your application for travel documents is approved, you will be invited to the Student Services Office to sign the budget sheet, the appendix No. 1 to the order, and the letter of assignment. These have to be signed before your departure but no later than five business days after your application has been approved.


Within three days after your return from the trip, you have to:

  1. Provide the necessary documents confirming your trip (boarding passes in paper form with a security checkpoint stamp from the airport; the original accommodation certificate from the hotel and the invoice with a receipt) to room 1400 on Lomonosova St. 9. If you stayed in an apartment, the rental agreement must include signatures of both parties, the full names of all occupants, information about the documents based on which the landlord owns the apartment, the dates of stay, and the daily rental rate. The agreement must be accompanied by a payment receipt.
  2. Send any other documents to a manager of the Student Services Office to the email (i.e., digital train tickets formed after your journey).
  3. Once the accounting office signs and processes all the documents, they will issue an expense report. You will be notified about this via email and phone number specified in your application. You will have to sign this document yourself in room 1400 on Lomonosova St. 9 within five business days after you’ve been notified about the issue of this document.
  4. After you submit this document, the funding will be wired to your Bank Saint Petersburg card* within five business days (assuming no weekends or holidays).
  5. If you didn’t pay for the expenses yourself or you didn’t do it with your own credit card, please inform the responsible employee of the Student Services Office about this when your travel documents are being issued. Then, you will be provided with a power-of-attorney form.
  6. If funding is approved, the organizational fee may be paid if the event organizers provide accounting documents indicating the applicant’s full name, or if payment can be made under a contract between ITMO University and the event organizers.

*If for some reason you don’t have a Bank Saint Petersburg issued card, you will have to apply for it at any office of the bank. After that, you will need to ask for an excerpt about your personal data (personal account number, etc.) and send it to

Accountability after the trip

Participation in an event requires the student to post a personal publication on any open informational resources (including a personal page or the student club's page on social media), with at least 3-5 photos from the event. The following details must be included:

  • Results achieved from participating in the event (e.g., successful presentation, diplomas, awards, acknowledgments, acquisition of new skills, etc.);
  • The text «Discovering a world of opportunities with ITMO!» and the hashtags #itmo, #itmostudents and #kronbars (for sports events).

Failure to fulfill this obligation may result in a denial of funding, even if the application was previously approved.
