Light Guide Photonics and Programmable Electronics
Specialization 1: Light Guide Photonics (in Russian).
More information you can find here Световодная фотоника и программируемая электроника.
Specialization 2: Light Guide Photonics.
You will study the field of modern photonics and instrumentation. Gain knowledge, skills and abilities in the fields of:
You will be able to implement the results of your work at enterprises and in your own business projects. During your studies, you will receive not only unique knowledge in the rapidly developing field of photonics, but also learn how to commercialize the results of your work in this direction.
Specialization 3: Programmable Electronics (in Russian).
More information you can find here Световодная фотоника и программируемая электроника.
Specialization 4: Programmable Electronics.
You will get practical skills to work with the use of modern elements of digital electronics - FPGA, microcontrollers and systems on a chip. The program takes into account the specifics of creating fiber-optic sensors and measuring equipment based on them, and the use of programmable electronics for the development of fiber-optic measuring systems. You will get:
Applied optics
Specialization 1: Optical Systems Design (in Russian).
More information you can find here Прикладная оптика.
Specialization 2: Optical Devices and Technologies (in Russian).
More information you can find here Прикладная оптика.
Specialization 3: Computer Optics (in Russian).
More information you can find here Прикладная оптика.
Specialization 4: Aerospace Engineering (in Russian).
More information you can find here Прикладная оптика.
Specialization 5: Optoelectronic devices and systems (in Russian).
More information you can find here Прикладная оптика.
Specialization 6: Optical-digital technologies (in Russian).
More information you can find here Прикладная оптика.
Specialization 7: Optical Engineering.
The specialization contains basic disciplines in the direction of "Optical engineering". It is implemented in English in cooperation with a partner university — Changchun University of Science and Technology, China.
Specialization 8: Light Engineering (in Russian).
More information you can find here Прикладная оптика.
Specialization 9: Optical System Design.
You will become a specialists engaged in solving urgent problems in the field of development of optical and optoelectronic devices and devices. Among these tasks: design of optical systems for various purposes, development of optical systems and optical modules working with various sources and receivers of radiation, modeling of optical and optoelectronic devices, modeling and visualization of lighting installations.