Data, Culture and Visualization
Specialization 1: Digital Humanities (in Russian).
More information you can find here Анализ культурных данных и визуализация.
Specialization 1: Cultural Analytics.
The specialization prepares undergraduates to work with born-digital data (collected from social networks, digital platforms, new media, etc.), which allows students to identify current trends in modern society.
Art & Science
Specialization 1: Digital Art.
Digital art is a discipline of quantitative assessment. It quantifies and digitizes the surrounding information, converting it into byte-sized messages, crossing the boundaries of classes and agencies. The city, nature, body, text — everything turns into pieces, moving from one atomic fragment to another. Networks forming new communities, distributed and duplicated, are the ecosystems we work with. Natural species are the same information material as synthetic species, they communicate through a digital commune, forming ecosystem interactions on the basis of which we build data landscapes. The goal of specialization in the field of digital art is to create a single space for multi-agent communication. The space will be a series of works of art: such as mobile applications for communication with natural agents through digital networks to virtual reality and augmented reality applications integrated into the usual urban environment. The Digital Art specialization explores how virtual and augmented reality systems can be used to expand the spatial properties of the environment. Students will gain skills such as 3D modeling, augmented reality application development, 3D scanning, data processing, virtual architecture and critical technological thinking.
Specialization 2: Technological Art.
"We live in an age of neo-mechanism, in which technical objects are becoming organic" (Hui, 2019). Advances in genetic engineering, synthetic biology, the rapid development of autonomous robotics and artificial neural networks are developing a new sensitivity to algorithmic, technological, geological and biological. Today's ubiquitous, systemic and intelligent technologies are changing postmodern ideas about naturalness and physicality and shaping the ecosystem in which we live. Technological art is an interdisciplinary and practice-oriented specialization that combines advanced technologies into its foundation in order to open up the possibilities of a new discovered physicality and naturalness, while simultaneously asserting its digital identity. Created around contemporary aspects of art and science, the program explores intelligent algorithms through their fusion with non-human intelligence in order to explore other forms of expression in artistic research. Within the framework of the main program, students study a set of skills and methods such as machine learning and advanced computing, materials programming and bio-digital production, physical computing and immersive interfaces, material media and robotic automation, audio and visual synthesis, as well as how to gain theoretical knowledge in the field of modern art and technology.
Specialization 3: Bioart.
Bioart is a modern art direction that adapts scientific methods, biology, ecology and biotechnology (including genetic engineering, tissue cultures and cloning) to study living systems as objects of art. This specialization blurs the boundaries between art and modern biology, focusing on the philosophical, social and ecological problems of the modern world. Bioart is an important factor in the development of critical thinking — it rethinks new applied developments in the field of life sciences, stimulates scientific thinking and contributes to the development of new research issues and technologies. Inspired by the life sciences and applying them to create works of art, students can create projects dedicated to philosophical discourses of interspecific communication, posthumanism, synthetic machines and biopolitics, thereby raising ethical, social and aesthetic issues.
Science Communication
Specialization 1: Public Health and Clinical Epidemiology.
The specialization Public Health and Clinical Epidemiology is launched in 2021, aimed at training interdisciplinary researchers capable of conducting and initiating research in the field of health sciences. Graduates of the specialization will become competent specialists who share the evidence-based approach, and will be able to influence the quality of research in the field of health and medicine in Russia and the world, as well as fill a serious shortage of personnel in this field.
Specialization 2: Producing creative projects in medical and scientific communication (in Russian).
More information you can find here Научная коммуникация.