
School of Computer Technologies and Control

Educational programmes:

Bioengineering and biotechnical systems

Specialization 1: Bioengineering and Biomaterials.

You will become a specialists in the field of bioengineering, smart materials for various fields of science, technology and national economy. You will acquire knowledge and skills in the field of :

  • methods of creating materials and biopolymer systems;
  • methods of computer modeling and bioinformatics;
  • creation and analysis of biological objects and polymer systems. 

You will be able to work in the field of biotechnology, bioengineering, creation of new generation materials for the medical and pharmaceutical industries, in the field of genetics of raw materials of plant and animal origin, microbiology, structural biology and bioinformatics, etc.

Specialization 2:Bioengineering and biomaterials (in Russian).

More information you can find here Биоинженерия и биотехнические системы.

Specialization 3: Biotechnical systems (in Russian).

More information you can find here Биоинженерия и биотехнические системы.

Specialization 4: Elemental base for nano- and biophotonics (in Russian).

More information you can find here Биоинженерия и биотехнические системы.

Specialization 5: Molecular Nano- and Biophotonics.

Specialization provides knowledge in the innovative field of molecular photonics for telecommunications and biology, you will gain skills to master new technologies and develop original concepts and applications aimed at new technological breakthroughs. Within the framework of this specialization, training during the first year takes place at ITMO University, during the second year training can take place at ENS Paris-Saclay University (ENS de Cachan), France. Students who have been selected for a partner university can receive support from it in the form of a scholarship, as well as an increased scholarship from ITMO University.

Specialization 6: Organic Materials Photonics.

Specialization will give you knowledge about the physical foundations, technology of development and application of new materials and photonics elements based on polymer and nanocomposite materials. The second year of study can take place at the University of New Mexico Highlands (New Mexico Highlands University, USA), where you will study the synthesis of new materials. Special attention is paid to analytical methods for the analysis of organic materials.

Specialization 7: Multi Sensory Systems.

You will become a specialists in the field of development and creation of express diagnostic systems for real environments, including using technologies such as "Best Available Technology". You will learn how to comprehensively approach the solution of tasks through an interdisciplinary approach that allows you not only to select "convenient" methods, but also to create ready-made technological solutions taking into account the characteristics of real environments. This direction is relevant for organizations operating various non-invasive diagnostic methods and research in various fields (medicine, ecology, pharmaceuticals, chemical industry, etc.).

Specialization 8: Multi Sensory Systems (in Russian).

More information you can find here Биоинженерия и биотехнические системы.

Bioeconomics and resource management

Specialization 1: Programmable Materials (in Russian).

Specialization 2: Resource saving at the enterprises of the fuel and energy complex (in Russian).

Specialization 3: Energy and Resource Efficiency (in Russian).

Specialization 4: Modern aspects of oil and gas production (in Russian).

More information you can find here Биоэкономика и управление ресурсами.

Web technologies

Specialization 1: Front-end and back-end development technologies (in Russian).

Specialization 2: Applied Web Technologies (in Russian).

More information you can find here Веб-технологии.

Industrial cyber-physical systems

Specialization 1: Automation of technological and production processes (in Russian).

Specialization 2: Measurement and non-destructive testing in high-tech manufacturing (in Russian).

Specialization 3: Intelligent Industrial Technologies (in Russian).

Specialization 4: Information technology in production systems (in Russian).

Specialization 5: Technological preparation for the production of high-tech products (in Russian).

More information you can find here Индустриальные киберфизические системы.

Information security

Specialization 1: Information Security Management (in Russian).

More information you can find here Информационная безопасность.

Specialization 2: Information Security Analytics (in Russian).

More information you can find here Информационная безопасность.

Specialization 3: Computer System Information Security.

As part of the Computer System Information Security specialization (partner of Aalto University), you will explore the following areas of work with modern innovative materials:

  1. Development of web applications.
  2. Modern cryptographic algorithms.
  3. Scalable cloud computing.
  4. Security of mobile systems.

Specialization 4: Cryptographic methods of information security (in Russian).

More information you can find here Информационная безопасность.

Specialization 5: Cybersecurity in banking (in Russian).

More information you can find here Информационная безопасность.

Specialization 6: Information security of specialized systems (in Russian).

More information you can find here Информационная безопасность.

Specialization 7: Cybersecurity technologies.

As part of the Cybersecurity Technologies specialization, you will learn in detail about:

  1. Modern cryptographic algorithms.
  2. Cloud computing.
  3. Distributed systems.
  4. Ethical hacking.

Computer systems and technologies

Specialization 1: Computing systems and networks (in Russian).

Specialization 2: Systems on a Chip (in Russian).

Specialization 3: Embedded and Cyberphysical Systems (in Russian).

Specialization 4: Telecommunication systems (in Russian).

More information you can find here Компьютерные системы и технологии.

Mathematical and computer modeling

Specialization 1: Mathematical models of complex systems (in Russian).

Specialization 2: Intelligent Information Systems (in Russian).

More information you can find here Математическое и компьютерное моделирование.

Multimedia technologies, design and usability

Specialization 1: Design of human-computer systems (in Russian).

Specialization 2: Technologies of 3D modeling and virtual reality (in Russian).

More information you can find here Мультимедиа-технологии, дизайн и юзабилити.

Neurotechnology and software engineering

Specialization 1: Software for the implementation of neurotechnologies (in Russian).

Specialization 2: Software for the telecommunications sector (in Russian).

More information you can find here Нейротехнологии и программная инженерия.

Advanced Data Transfer Systems

Specialization 1: Data transmission systems and technologies (in Russian).

More information you can find here Перспективные системы передачи данных.

Specialization 2: Devices and technologies of optoelectronics (in Russian).

More information you can find here Перспективные системы передачи данных.

Specialization 3: Optoelectronic Functional Materials.

Specialization is devoted to material science. The appearance of new materials has made it possible to implement many technical ideas on which the functioning of modern data transmission systems is based. In this specialization students will learn modern problems of materials science and optoelectronics materials in general, and problems of synthesis and research of microstructure and physical properties of various materials and structures, including nanoscale in-depth. Special attention is paid to low-dimensional systems, and not only the traditionally studied optical properties, but also mechanical ones. In the course of training master students will develop new materials; learn to modify the structure and properties of existing materials; study the properties of materials and nanostructures used in data transmission systems, as well as in-depth study: microstructure of materials, radiography and crystallography; materials for photo- and optoelectronics; modern problems of materials science and methods of materials diagnostics; computer materials science; nanomechanics of functional materials, low-dimensional systems and their application in data transmission devices and mathematical methods in physics.

Electronic systems software

Specialization 1: Radio-electronic complexes software (in Russian).

Specialization 2: Software and information support for control and guidance systems (in Russian).

More information you can find here Программное обеспечение радиоэлектронных систем.

Robotics and artificial intelligence

Specialization 1: Embodied Intelligence and Biomechatronics (in Russian).

More information you can find here Робототехника и искусственный интеллект.

Specialization 2: Engineering of intelligent systems (in Russian).

More information you can find here Робототехника и искусственный интеллект.

Specialization 3: Intelligent Robotics.

This specialization will run fully in English. Studying only at ITMO University. This specialization doesn't have double degree program.

Specialization 4: Biomechatronics.

Double degree program in cooperation with TalTech Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. This specialization is competitive, the students limit is 5 people who have passed the competitive selection. Studying is completely in English. In the 3rd and 4th semesters you wil study at the partner university (TalTech).

Specialization 5: Mechatronic Systems and Technologies.

Double degree program in cooperation with LUT Lappeenranta Technical university University, Finland. This specialization is competitive, the students limit is 5 people who have passed the competitive selection. Studying is completely in English. In the 3rd and 4th semesters you wil study at the partner university (LUT).

System and application software

Specialization 1: Information and computing systems (in Russian).

Specialization 2: Technologies of Conversational Intelligence (in Russian).

Specialization 3: Computer visualization technologies (in Russian).

Specialization 4: Computer modeling technologies (in Russian).

Specialization 5: Intelligent Systems (in Russian).

More information you can find here Системное и прикладное программное обеспечение.

Motion control and navigation

Specialization 1: Information Navigation Systems.

Specialization "Information and navigation systems" is about development and design of navigation systems.

Specialization 2: Software and algorithmic support (in Russian).

More information you can find here Системы управления движением и навигация.

Specialization 3: Surface Vessels Control.

Specialization "Control of surface vessels" is about synthesis of algorithms for traffic control and navigation for surface vessels.

IoT technologies

Specialization 1: Semantic Technologies for the Internet of Things (in Russian).

Specialization 2: Mobile and Embedded Systems (in Russian).

More information you can find here Технологии интернета вещей.

Functional safety of unmanned vehicles

Specialization 1: Design of means of ensuring functional safety (in Russian).

Specialization 2: Design of radio electronic systems (in Russian).

Specialization 3: Safe unmanned vehicles development (in Russian).

Specialization 4: Operation of safe unmanned vehicles (in Russian).

Specialization 5: Functional safety of critical systems (in Russian).

More information you can find here Функциональная безопасность беспилотных транспортных средств.

Digital control systems

Specialization 1: Control in cyber-physical systems (in Russian).

More information you can find here Цифровые системы управления.

Specialization 2: Control in Technical Systems.

The specialization is devoted to the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of research and development of control algorithms for complex dynamic systems: mechatronic and robotic systems, multi-agent systems, unmanned aerial vehicles and cars, manipulators, surface vessels, etc. It is customary to combine these classes of technical objects with a common term - "cyber-physical systems". Such systems typically consist of mechanical, electronic, electrical and information components. Such complex systems are subject to serious requirements in terms of external influences and the availability of system management resources. The control system must be adaptive with respect to the operating environment, robust with respect to external disturbances, optimal with respect to the energy component and computationally realizable for use in real-time systems.
In this specialization, you will gain theoretical competence in the synthesis of control algorithms, which are at the forefront of science, and practical competencies, implementing your developments in a simulation environment and on practical robotic installations, for example, in robotic manipulators Universal Robots. The master student who has chosen this specialization will be a sought-after specialist in the field of digital automatic control systems for cyber-physical systems of various classes.

Specialization 3: Digital lighting control systems (in Russian).

More information you can find here Цифровые системы управления.

Electrical engineering

Specialization 1: Automatic electric drive (in Russian).

Specialization 2: Converters for electrical power systems (in Russian).

Specialization 3: Smart Grids (in Russian).

More information you can find here Электроинженерия.