
Soft Skills Master’s courses



Module description

The Soft Skills module consists of 36 disciplines that will help you improve, develop or form your transferable skills. Developed according to the latest educational trends, these courses meet international educational standards. You will have to pick either one course that is worth 3 ECTS or three courses, each worth 1 ECTS.

Language of instruction

Russian/ English

11 courses are taught in English: in order to successfully pass any of them, you will need to confirm English comprehension at the level of B2 or higher(according to the CEFR scale). If you have not confirmed your level of English, please email us at before making your final choice of a course. Don't leave it till the last day!

How to sign up

Before the start of the academic year and until September 15, students can choose 1 course (or 3 micromodules) out of  the eighteen available Soft Skills subjects using the platform

Schedule You have the opportunity to choose a discipline and then choose a group with the most convenient time for classes. All the courses of the Soft Skills block are modular. You will have intensive lectures and practical sessions for two weeks during the discipline. Confirm your choice, and the system will send us, Soft Skills coordinators, your application. The number of seats in the group is limited! If a convenient time is not available for selection, this means that all places have already been taken, and you will have to choose something else.
Contact us

Address: 9 Lomonosova Street, room 3103 

Phone: 8 (812) 607-04-66,



Personal Efficiency and Time Management (in Russian)

More information you can find here Личная эффективность и управление временем


Elena Karpova

Anastasia Prichislenko

Natalya Khokhlova

Efficient Team Management (in Russian)

More information you can find here Эффективное управление командой


Elena Karpova

Alena Bondar

Konstantin Kim

Olga Arlashkina

Vadim Mochkin

Margarita Kudrinskaya

Ksenia Bogomazova

Anastasia Bulatkina

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a key leadership skill that helps people to achieve goals, high performance, and productivity at work as well as to maintain effective personal relationships. It includes the ability to perceive, facilitate, understand, and manage emotions. It is a skill that can be developed. This course is based on the materials acknowledged worldwide, the latest research, and authorized practices. Through reading, listening, and discussing EI concepts, mastering the five core skills of EI, observing peers, and writing reflection journals, students will deepen their awareness of their emotional life, needs, and motivation. As a result, they will understand others better and enhance their skills for effective communication. Such practical activities as case studies, simulations, and group discussions will help students to apply this new experience in real-life social situations.


EMOI is a course in English language, therefore the main prerequisite for the course participation is B2 level or above. Students are expected to be active participants in classroom discussions and other learning activities.

Course workload: 3 credits | 108 academic hours

Semester: autumn


Yulia Romanenko

Maria Stepanova

Daria Tkachuk

Negotiation, Influence and Conflict Management

This course is aimed to introduce the students to the basics of principled negotiations as well as to supply them with practical solutions for the analysis and resolution of conflicts. Besides that, the students will obtain a set of instruments to counter manipulations and aggressive behavior and to deliver their viewpoint in a non-violent, convincing way.

Accent is made on developing argumentation skills and presenting ideas in view of the opponent's interests and core values. This course can be described as highly practical and employs the method of case study. The cases are inspired by the Program of Negotiations of Harvard Law School, educational practices of Yale University and Cornell University as well as by the personal experience of the instructors, related to the management of teams and companies.

Course workload: 3 credits | 108 academic hours

Prerequisites: NICM is a course in English language, therefore the main prerequisite for the course participation is B2 level or above. Students are expected to be active participants in classroom discussions and other learning activities.

Semester: autumn and spring 


Yulia Romanenko

Maria Stepanova

Natalia Kopko

Resource State Management (in Russian)

More information you can find here Управление ресурсными состояниями


Elena Karpova

Olga Sorokotyaga

Anastasia Borisova

Anastasia Prichislenko

Inna Toporova

Natalia Tikhomirova

Natalya Khokhlova

Olga Gofman

Valeria Mostovaya

Life in Science: Guide for Young Researchers (in Russian)

More information you can find here Жизнь в науке: путеводитель молодого исследователя

Natalya Ten

Angelina Gruzdeva

Life in Science: Guide for Young Researchers

The course «Life in Science» is executed in a unique format of a game-simulation aimed at immersing a student in the process of building a career in the scientific field.

The game can be accessed with PC or a tablet through a web app. As a student you will complete 36 modules, which contain a game plot, educational materials and tasks created for developing skills and abilities necessary for a scientist.

The «Life in Science» course offers the opportunity to create your own character, choose your own path based on your decisions, and even interact with various NPCs (non-player characters).

By completing the game, you will be able to go through the beginning stages of a scientist's career path: starting with choosing a scientific advisor and researching a subject area, and ending with the article publication process and preparing for public speaking at a conference. Additionally, there are educational materials and tasks focused on developing Soft Skills that will allow you to encounter real life challenges and learn how to find ways to solve them.

If you have any questions about the course, you can contact us at

Course workload: 3 credits | 108 academic hours

Prerequisites: English B2-C1

Semester: autumn and spring 

Natalya Ten

Angelina Gruzdeva

Career Management (in Russian)

More information you can find here Управление карьерой


Olga Chernaus

Micromodule Time Management (in Russian)

More information you can find here Тайм-менеджмент

Anastasia Kuzminkova

Yulia Romanenko

Inna Toporova

Micromodule Financial Literacy (in Russian)

More information you can find here Микромодуль Тайм-менеджмент


Tatiana Veselko

Micromodule Modern Business Communication (in Russian)

More information you can find here Современная бизнес-коммуникация

Julia Romanenko

Valeria Prokuratova

Anna Kazantseva

Polina Sanzharovskaya

Micromodule Modern Leadership (in Russian)

More information you can find here Современное лидерство


Dmitry Kuftyrev

Anna Kazantseva

Vasilina Bazalyuk

Anastasia Kuzminkovaa

Alexander Rukosuev

Lenina Podgorskaya

Micromodule Storytelling (in Russian)

More information you can find here Сторителлинг


Alexey Galishnikov

Natalia Tikhomirova

Evgeniya Shestakova

Anastasia Prichisko

Tatyana Kuipers

Micromodule Complex Communication (in Russian)

More information you can find here Современное лидерство


Ilya Osipenko

Marina Kazantseva

Maria Stepanova

Antonina Fedorova

Micromodule Goal-setting in the Modern World (in Russian)

More information you can find here Целеполагание в современном мире


Anastasia Prichisko

Maria Shvedova

Micromodule Stress Management and Burnout Prevention (in Russian)

More information you can find here Управление стрессом и профилактика выгорания


Anastasia Prichisko

Maria Shvedova

Micromodule Motivation Management (in Russian)

More information you can find here Микромодуль Управление мотивацией


Natalya Tikhomirova

Daria Khelshtein

Olga Sorokotyaga

Evgeniya Shestakova

Dana Namdi

Micromodule Conflict Management (in Russian)

More information you can find here Микромодуль Управление конфликтами


Yulia Romanenko

Elena Karpova

Vasilina Bazalyuk

Maria Stepanova

Micromodule Intercultural Communication (in Russian)

More information you can find here Межкультурная коммуникация


Daria Zhukova

Micromodule Working in Remote Teams (in Russian)

More information you can find here Работа в удаленных командах


Yulia Romanenko

Margarita Kudrinskaya

Svetlana Skakun

Anna Kazantseva

Alexander Rukosuev

Vasilina Bazalyuk

Anastasia Bashmakova

Lenina Podgorskaya

Polina Sanzharovskaya

Inna Toporova

Micromodule Self-representation and Pitching (in Russian)

More information you can find here Самопрезентация и питчинг


Valeria Limonova

Daria Khelshtein

Evgeniya Shestakova

Maria Stepanova

Anastasia Borisova

Micromodule Public Speaking for young scientists (in Russian)

More information you can find here Выступления для молодых ученых


Antonina Fedorova

Elena Bykovskaya

Daria Helshtein

Marina Kazantseva

Micromodule Strategies for Effective Negotiations with an Employer (in Russian)

More information you can find here Стратегии эффективных переговоров с работодателем


Olga Chernaus

Anastasia Guseva

Micromodule Career Development in Modern Professional Environment (in Russian)

More information you can find here Развитие карьеры в современной профессиональной среде


Olga Sorokotyaga

Natalya Khokhlova

Micromodule Career in IT (in Russian)

More information you can find here Карьера в IT


Zalina Balikoeva

Margarita Kudrinskaya

Natalya Khokhlova

Lenina Podgorskaya

Natalya Platonova

Micromodule Mediation and Dispute Resolution

During this course students will explore different approaches to conflict and obtain a set of practical tools which might be helpful in resolving conflicts at work and in their personal lives. Students will also be introduced to mediation (facilitated negotiation) as a method of alternative dispute resolution and will try mediating simple cases.

Course workload: 1 credit | 12 academic hours


Marina Kazantseva

Ilya Osipenko

Maria Stepanova

Micromodule Art & Math of Decision Making

In this course we'll dig deep into the process of decision making based on Cynefin framework. We'll try to understand both psychological and cognitive aspects influencing the way we make choices in everyday life. The course is organized as a mobile training. You'll need only your phone to join it.

Students will be provided with information from a teacher, who will: 

  • Send blocks of theory
  •  Give tasks
  • Check and evaluate results of students’ work
  •  Provide guidance and feedback
  • Calculate points, maintain a rating, and distribute rewards 
  • Answer questions 

The training will last for 2 weeks, from Monday to Friday. Every day, students will receive brief theoretical content and two assignments: a test and a practical exercise. This course enables students to delve into the topic of decision-making through an asynchronous approach and apply the knowledge they have acquired in practice.

Course workload: 1 credit | 12 academic hours


Marina Kazantseva

Natalya Khokhlova

Anna Kazantseva

Kalyaeva Olga

Komisarov Vladislav

Micromodule Stress Management

Students will study stress as a physiological psychological process and develop strategies to keep the optimal amount of stress in their lives. They will also become more aware about the risks and dangers of emotional burnout and collect personal "first aid kits" allowing them to prevent and reverse burnout symptoms. Information will also be provided on burnout prevention strategies for team leaders allowing them to create healthy and productive atmosphere at the workplace.

Course workload: 1 credit | 12 academic hours



Maria Stepanova

Natalia Kirshanova

Micromodule Reputation Management

Personal Reputation Management is a course for those who plan to reconsider self-determination approaches using intangible assets of their own personality. We’ll discuss: goals and relevance of personal reputation management, the economy of influence phenomenon; approaches to the personal brand development and representation of a specialist online and offline; simple steps to building an impeccable reputation in the business environment; the most important principles of positive academic reputation; approaches to dealing with negativity. At the end of the course you’ll take part in a game to present your own approaches and receive useful feedback from the audience.

Course workload: 1 credit | 12 academic hours



Mikhail Kurushkin

Micromodule Empathy and Non-violent Communication

Empathy and Nonviolent Communication are powerful tools to enhance communication, foster understanding, and build stronger relationships. By implementing the NVC approach and empathetic listening we can be able to de-escalate conflicts, provide powerful constructive feedback, provoke effective communication, create an environment of trust and transparency within our communities. We can also benefit from developed empathy in customer service, product creation and in providing personalized solutions in the business domain. “Empathy and NVC” is a practical in-depth course. We will study the types of empathy and ways to develop them, do practical exercises involving the creation of empathy maps for different situations, learn about emotions and key concerns, boost listening skills and learn to speak through I-messages using the NVC framework.

Course workload: 1 credit | 12 academic hours


Yulia Romanenko

Maria Stepanova

Ekaterina Solodovnikova

Daria Tkachuk

Micromodule Pitches and Speeches

Public speaking is one of the most important forms of communication. It can have an enormous impact on one's interpersonal interactions as well as one’s career. A current way to present your ideas to the world is a short pitch, a story, or posts on social networks. You should hook the attention from the first minute. During our course we will learn this type of communication. We will analyze the approaches and skills that are necessary when you present your project to a team, talk to a customer, interview online or live, host an event, communicate with investors, correspond by mail and messengers, or speak at a conference. The students will boost their courage to speak up and will significantly improve their public speaking and presentation skills through speaking, listening, analyzing videos, providing peer feedback, and writing reflection journals. Get ready to practice and upgrade your skills!

Course workload: 1 credit | 12 academic hours


Marina Kazantseva

Maria Stepanova

Alexandra Shparberg

Micromodule Collaborative Work and Decision-Making Practices (in Russian)

More information you can find here Практики совместной работы и принятия решений


Inna Toporova

Olga Sorokotyaga

Natalya Tikhomirova

Marina Kazantseva

Micromodule Evidence-based Approach to Career Management

Most of the time, while looking for career options individuals rely on outdated knowledge acquired during their education, longstanding yet unproven traditions, patterns drawn from experience, familiar methods, and information from various sources. At the same time, they could draw inspiration from practitioners of evidence-based medicine. A growing number of physicians are moving away from unreliable resources and instead prioritizing the application of well-researched and clinically relevant studies. Why not to follow the same in career management? The primary task is to base decisions on the most current and reliable knowledge of what truly works. Although the evidence base in career management is less robust and almost anyone can assert themselves as an expert in the field, it stands to reason that in career management sound reasoning and solid evidence will enable professionals to outperform their competitors.

Course workload: 1 credit | 12 academic hours


Zalina Balikoeva

Micromodule Launching and Relaunching your Career

This course is a part of the Soft Skills development program. No matter whether you are just starting your career or want to change an existing professional pathway, strategic planning will help you reach your goals. This course will assist you adapt to a fast changing environment by enhancing your self-knowledge and confidence to explore wider career opportunities. The course will help you to formulate your career goals and adapt your skills and knowledge for the current and future jobs. During the course you will learn how to make the most of your strengths, talents, and experience while identifying and addressing your weaknesses. You’ll receive valuable guidance based on practical suggestions, theoretical models, and current empirical evidence. Via structured learning activities you will gain an appreciation that career planning and management is an ongoing, rewarding process of assessing career identity, setting new learning goals and career visions, and celebrating accomplishments as you develop. You will also learn how to make your resume distinguishable among competitors and receive tips on how to craft a cover letter that effectively addresses a job description, as well as leveraging social media platforms to optimize your job search.

Course workload: 1 credit | 12 academic hours


Zalina Balikoeva