
Practical training documents

If you are doing your practical training at ITMO University, you do not need to do any paperwork, e if the practical training takes place at another faculty. Get your individual task from the head of your practical training and start working on it.

If you are doing your practical training at an organization, you need to sign an agreement for practical training (in Russian) and fill out an application form.

If the organization requests a referral to practical training or a cover letter, we can provide it. Fill out the template and send it via

Lifehack: before signing the agreement, look through the list of organizations which already have one, and if you find your organization on this list, you only need to sign the application.

Digital workflow

We are happy to announce that you can now  sign contracts and applications digitally via the Diadoc system. As the university’s transition to digital workflow is done gradually, it is still currently still possible to sign documents on paper.

What do I need to sign documents viaDiadoc?

  1. The organization where you do your practical training must have the Diadoc program installed.
  2. If you are a student and the company is ready to sign the documents via the program, you should send an email about it to with the subject «Signing in Diadoc» and add the company’s email as a CC recipient. To the email, you should also attach the filled-in contract and application. Note: if a company needs to approve the template with its lawyers, then until the final document is approved, we correspond via the email
  3. Working in Diadoc is easy for both parties – ITMO and an organization: we find the organization by INN (tax payer number) or name, send an invitation, and upload the approved filled-in documents.
  • The documents must be signed before the start of your practical training.
  • Step 2 is mandatory. If you do not inform us about the company's intentions, we may not see their invitation in the program.
  • If the documents are signed via Diadoc, you do not need to come to the office.

How to correctly fill out the agreement for practical training

  1. Leave the agreement number blank. We'll fill it in ourselves.
  2. Write the current date as the date of signing  (before the start of your practical training).
  3. In paragraph 5.2. you need to choose:
  • either «действует 3 (три) года. Пролонгация действия Договора возможна только по письменному соглашению Сторон, подписанному уполномоченными представителями Сторон» 
  • or «действует до _________(specify the date) и автоматически продлевается на каждый следующий год, если ни одна из сторон за 30 (тридцать) рабочих дней не заявит о своем намерении его расторгнуть»

How to fill out the application form?

In the column «Реализуемые компоненты образовательной программы» you need to write «Практика» and specify the type of your practical training: производственная (professional)/ преддипломная (pre-graduation)/ НИР (research project). If you are going to be doing several types of practical training, you need to specify all of them separated by commas.

If the organization that hosts your practical training has any questions please send email to:

Attention: If you do not have the opportunity to print the documents by yourself, you can do it in the Career Center room1309 or send us an email.

What to do next?

  1. You have to submit two printed copies of both the agreement and the application to the Career Center: 9 Lomonosova Street, room 1312.
  2. Write your name and phone number on a sticker and place it on your agreement. We will let you know as soon as the agreement is signed and ready for pick-up. 
  3. You can send documents for verification to If approved, original documents must be brought in person to the Career Center office (9 Lomonosova St., room 1309) or sent by mail (if you are in another city)
  4. The original documents might be sent by post to the address: 197101, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Kronverksky Pr. 49, lit. A, ITMO University, (tagged "For the ITMO University’s Career Center").